Welcome from ADA Watch and the Coalition for Disability Rights & Justice (CDRJ). We are uniting leaders and organizations from the disability, civil rights and social justice communities, to defend and advance the human rights of people with all types of disabilities.
During this time of division and dehumanization in America, the disability rights movement, as we assert the worth and dignity of our people, is a powerful voice for unity, re-humanization and the recognition of our obligations to one another in a civil society.
Programs of the Coalition for Disability Rights & Justice include ADA Watch, Road To Freedom national bus tour, Disability Rights Concert, Campaign for Fair Judges, Media Campaign and more.
ADA Watch and what was then called the National Coalition for Disability Rights, were founded in 2000, with disability rights icon Justin Dart, Jr. as our founding chair. Our National Advisory Council launched with disability rights leaders like Judy Heumann, Patrisha Wright, Bob Kafka, Marca Bristo, Becky Ogle, Claudia Gordon, Curt Decker and many others.
Our coalition initiatives have included diverse disability organizations and leaders from ADAPT to the Consortium for Constituents with Disabilities (CCD); from the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD) to the National Council on Independent Living (NCIL); and from the National Black Deaf Advocates to Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA).
Our founding National Advisory Council was also led by organizations and leaders from the larger progressive community, including the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCHR), AARP, People For the American Way (PFAW) and the Alliance For Justice (AFJ).
We are now back in action with a generous planning grant from the Ford Foundation's U.S. Disability Rights grantmaking program, headed up by Rebecca Cokley. Please explore our website to learn more about our mission, our history, our founding organizations, as well as our latest coalition partners.
There are multiple ways you can help us advance our mission of building the capacity and infrastructure of the U.S. disability rights movement. You can sign up for our email news and action alerts. You can sign our petitions and, importantly, you can help sustain our coalition efforts by hitting the "donate" button and giving today.
These are uncertain times for so many Americans. Join us as, together, we work to defend and advance the protections and programs that afford people with disabilities the right and ability to live, learn and work in their own communities.
In Solidarity,
James P. Ward, MSW
Founder & Executive Director